Help persecuted women like Simin know their value in Christ.

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Simin* paid a high price to follow Jesus. She lost her home in Iran, her job, her freedom. (Read Simin's full story)

Persecution made Simin feel worthless. And she’s not alone. 
Across the Middle East, the value of Christian women is under attack. Women are rejected by family, shamed by sexual violence, stripped of work and forced into marriage. All because they follow Jesus. 

Our persecuted sisters urgently need support.

You can help a woman fulfil her God-given potential by providing leadership and discipleship training, trauma care and pastoral support.

*We’ve changed her name protect her identity. The image used is illustrative.

Please will you help persecuted women know their value in Christ?

Every HK$190 could provide Scripture material to four women, to nurture their faith.
Every HK$260 could give a Christian woman food to help her family survive for a month. 
Every HK$430 could help a persecuted women start a small business, giving her financial security.

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*Any excess funds from this appeal will be used to strengthen other persecuted Christians where urgent help is needed.
When persecution makes women feel worthless, your support is all the more valuable.
Thank you for being a channel of blessing and may God richly bless you.

"You are precious in my eyes, and honoured, and I love you."