Prayer Calendar

October 2024

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Arise Africa

Violence against Christian communities in sub-Saharan Africa is spiralling. The situation is complex and driven by multiple actors. As a result SSA was the region with the highest number of Christians killed for their faith globally in 2023. Let’s take up the ‘critical weapons’ of prayer and intercession, and stand with our brothers and sisters in sub-Saharan Africa.

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Prayer Calendar

September 2024

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Prayer Calendar

August 2024

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2024 | Issue 2

Extraordinary Faith

Despite persecution, the Indian church is growing. The Holy Spirit is moving in extraordinary ways, and that’s in response to the prayers of people like Pastor Laxman – and also the prayers of people like you and me, as the body of Christ around the world.

The church may be growing, but it’s also facing unprecedented challenges. Today, let’s join our Indian brothers and sisters in standing for justice, truth and hope.

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2024 | Issue 1

Counting the Cost

The 2024 Open Doors World Watch List (WWL) reveals that North Korea is once again the world’s most hostile country towards Jesus and all who follow Him. Yet in this darkest place on earth, the light of the gospel continues to shine. The darkness has not overcome the light.

As you look at the newly released 2024 WWL, remember each brother and sister that make up the statistics on the List, knowing that God calls the entire family of Christ to suffer and rejoice together (1 Cor 12:26).

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2023 | Issue 3

Believers in the Middle East: A Future of Despair... or Hope?

For young Christians in North Africa and the Middle East, freedom, safety, and security are often unattainable. They don’t have opportunities, the economic situation is desperate, and they face persecution and opposition every day because of their faith. They want to leave the region and they feel forgotten by the worldwide church.

But it is crucial to help Christians stay in the Middle East! Together, we can help the church raise up leaders passionate for God, eagerly pursuing justice, and filled with hope that lasts.

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2023 | Issue 2

Arise Africa

The level of violence in sub- Saharan Africa is truly deplorable. Every year, thousands of Christians are killed for their faith by Islamic militants. Thousands more lose their homes, their land, and their livelihoods. That is why Ayuba’s story of forgiveness, healing and restoration is so important and powerful.

Our brothers and sisters in sub- Saharan Africa are calling for the global church to join them in standing up to extreme violence. Will you answer their call?

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2023 | Issue 1

Extreme Love

Globally, millions of Jesus’ followers face extreme persecution, but it doesn’t change the fact that they are extremely loved by our heavenly Father. This is the love that overflows from Rebecca for the women she meets. This is the love Open Doors seeks to continue to show the persecuted church. And this is the love that you exemplify each time you remember them in your prayers and support.

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Special edition

Brother Andrew: God's Smuggler

Open Doors' founder, Brother Andrew, passed away on 27 September 2022. Even as we mourn his passing, we celebrate the life he lived and want to remember the legacy he has left behind. In this special edition magazine, read of Brother Andrew's road to faith in Christ and how God called him to serve persecuted Christians. 

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2022 | Issue 3

The Church: A beacon of hope in Syria and Iraq

When Islamist extremists set out to eradicate the church in the Middle East, your support kept hope alive. An outpouring of support, prayer and advocacy meant the church survived. Thank you. But today, believers face economic collapse – and extremism remains.

Open Doors has a vision to make every local church in Syria and Iraq a Centre of Hope. With Centres of Hope right across Syria and Iraq, hope will last.

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2022 | Issue 2

Open Homes, Open Doors

In this issue of the Open Doors Magazine, you will find the story of Ruslan* from Central Asia, a courageous brother who regularly ‘invites’ persecution each time he welcomes into his home those we call secret believers – new converts and believers living in isolation because of their faith in Jesus.

Because of your prayers and support, Open Doors is able to equip and support such ‘secret ministries’ for our dear secret believers.

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2022 | Issue 1

Alone but not abandoned

Afghanistan has drawn the world’s attention to the vulnerability of Christians who share our faith but not our freedom. Christians like Zabi, whose life and hope hangs by a thread. She told us: “You are a strand of hope to me. There’s a chance I may live.”

Persecution has been growing alarmingly around the world. Your long-term gifts and prayers are vital for the survival of the church.

Stand with isolated Christians in the most dangerous countries to follow Jesus.

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2021 | Issue 4

Hope for the Middle East

The past is filled with destruction, the future uncertain. So where is the hope for Syria and Iraq? Anwar, rebellious son of a sheikh, found new life in Jesus. He found a new start at a Centre of Hope, the church at the heart of his community in Syria.

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2021 | Issue 3


Violent persecution has continued in India despite the Covid pandemic. Extremists have made it their goal to wipe out Christians in India by the end of 2021, using lies to stir up hatred and violence. Your support could help the Indian church survive – against violence, persecution and loss of livelihood through Covid.

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2021 | Issue 2

Escape from Iran

Miracles, dreams and TV shows are bringing Muslims in the Middle East to Christ. The church is growing, but the threat of rejection, violence and imprisonment is rising. These believers need their worldwide family to stand alongside them.

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