International Day of Prayer

Arise AfricaStop the violence. Start the healing.
Nov 3, 2024

download your IDOP pack

“Arise, shine, for your light has come.”
Isaiah 60:1

Violent persecution in Sub-Saharan Africa is unprecedented.

More than 16 million Christians have been forced from their homes.

Pastor Barnabas, in Nigeria, is just one of the displaced. He and his family struggle to survive in a makeshift tent in an overcrowded refugee camp. For four years, this has been their life.

We must stand with Christians like Barnabas in prayer.
When you pray, persecuted Christians will no longer feel alone.

Event details

Date: 3 November 2024 (or at a time most suitable for you)
Format: In your personal prayer time, your prayer group, cell group, or church service
Content: The free Resource Pack includes a Prayer Guide, short Film Clip, Service Guide, and Sermon Notes


Short for International Day of Prayer, IDOP is an annual day for prayer for persecuted Christians. Each year in November, Christians around the world set aside a day to remember and pray for our brothers and sisters who are suffering for their faith in Christ.

The first IDOP, in 1996, was organized by the World Evangelical Alliance. The day takes place on the first Sunday of November every year because it falls in the time of “Hallowtide,” a period in the church calendar dedicated to commemorating the martyrs of the Christian faith.

We encourage you to gather your small group, prayer group, or church to pray together for our suffering brothers and sisters. After you’ve registered for IDOP, you will be able to download an IDOP resource pack put together by us, which has stories, videos and prayer points.

Sure you can! Choose any day in November that works for you, your church or small group to pray.

Of course! Sign up here for stories and prayer updates from the persecuted church.