News Nigeria | 31-10-2021

Leah Sharibu Still Alive, Church Leader Tells Open Doors


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Leah refused to renounce her Christian faith whilst held by Boko Haram

Leah Sharibu is still alive, according to a church leader who is supporting her family since she was kidnapped in 2018 by Boko Haram.

“From three sources, I can confirm that Leah is still alive,” Reverend Gideon Para-Mallam told Open Doors. “I can\'t go into too many details but one of my sources – who was recently released from Boko Haram captivity – confirmed that Leah was still alive. She was able to see her.”

\""It has been almost four years since Leah\'s abduction,” Para-Mallam added. “What a traumatic experience for this teenage girl. But we are grateful to God that she is still alive. The news of her being alive should encourage our hearts to remain hopeful that one day Leah will be set free.”

In March, Leah’s parents wrote an open letter calling on President Muhammadu Buhari to fulfil his promise to get their daughter released.

Kidnappings reach endemic levels

The past year has seen the kidnapping of children in north eastern Nigeria reach endemic levels, helped by arms proliferation and government inaction. More than 1,000 children have been forcibly taken from their schools across five states in the region since December. More than 600 schools have been closed for fear of further attacks.

\""We are distressed and disturbed because the kidnappings continue,\"" said Para-Mallam. “It is only God who can guarantee the future of Nigeria right now. Many are discouraged and feel desolate. Let us pray that God will touch our political leaders so they will be able to see the challenges that are before us.”

Lord Jesus, thank You for the positive news that Leah is alive. Continue to strengthen her and her family, and surround them with Your peace and presence. Bring about her immediate release, and the release of all people in Nigeria held against their will. Provoke the government into decisive action on behalf of those suffering at the hands of armed bandits and extremists. Amen.


  • That God will continue to speak tender encouragement to Leah’s family, and keep their spirits from being broken
  • For Leah’s safe return to her family and for recovery from trauma
  • That the Nigerian government will be equipped to combat Boko Haram and fully support victims and their families.

Every HK$775 can help train a church-goer as a counsellor who can help many persecuted Christians through their trauma.